Modern living places a variety of stresses on our bodies that can result in physical discomfort. We specialize in achieving natural, healthy relief from pain and discomfort using a variety of traditional massage techniques such as structural energetic therapy, positioinal release, cranial/sacral therapy, sports massage, facelift massage, spinal alignment, myokinesthetic system, soothing stone massage, Chinese accupressure, and Japanace hot stone massae.
According to Traditional Chinese Medicine, physical problems result from blockages in the flow of energy or “chi” in the body. We use special techniques to release these blockages, helping eliminate the causes of pain and discomfort.
Our facelift massage is a treatment consisting of a thorough cleansing with a pure wholesome facial cleanser and a gentle buffing creme to remove dead skin cells. This process deep cleans the pores snd prepares the skin for the massage. A full 30 minutes is devoted to massaging your face with luxurious oils and cremes, toned with herbal mists and treated to an invigorating honeylift massage treatment.
Warmed towels sooth the tension lines from the face. While you relax in the tie-up system your hands and feet are massaged. The face is moisturized with cremes containing the finest European bio extracts to feed and nourish it. To complete your treatment your scalp is massaged soothingly.
Please explore this site to learn more about our treatment techniques, appointments, and rates. Call or email us with questions about any aspect of our services or to schedule an appointment.